09.00Registration opens
09.20Welcome and plan for the day
09.30Introduction to Circles of Influence
Who can help you make changes to improve life for your patient and you
Dr Hilary Cass, OBE, Co-chair, CoLab Partnership 
09.45Toolkit Essentials
The aim of this section is to provide tools for professionals to use in improving their service

Managing – and pre-empting – conflict
Dr Esse Menson, former Consultant Paediatrician and Mediator, trainer and conflict coach, The Medical Mediation Foundation

What families need from professionals and their communications with them
Rachel Wright, Founder and Director, Born at the Right Time
Dr Lisa Kauffmann, Co-chair, CoLab Partnership and Chair, Together for Short Lives

How to demonstrate change through QI methodology
Dr Bethan Page, Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Oxford 
11.15Coffee Break 
11.45Small things that make a big difference (interactive plenary)
Delegates will hear from professionals and families about small changes that have made a difference, or small things that could make a real difference. There will be opportunity for discussion with the audience, and questions and delegate experience will be encouraged. 
Steph Nimmo, author of "Was this in the Plan?" and "Goodbye Daisy" in conversation with Dr Hannah Nicholson
Sarah Land, co-founder of Peeps in conversation with Dr Nicola Bartrum 
13.45Making a difference - what, why, and how it is better? (breakout groups)

Delegates will break into small groups and develop ideas that could make a difference in their workplace. The groups will be as mixed as possible, facilitated, with a family member in each group if possible.

14.25Impact on families
Prof Lorna Fraser, Professor of Palliative Care & Child Health, Kings College London
14.55Tea Break
15.15Your top 3 actions going forward (breakout groups)
This session gives delegates the opportunity to consider one or more changes that they will make in their service, how they will go about it, and how they will evaluate its impact. Groups will be focused around potential  changes. 
15.55Closing Comments
16.05Close of Conference

Throughout the day, CoLab exec members will collect examples of effective change, and of barriers to change, from delegates. These will be shared after the conference, and also used to develop the toolkit.

Supported by the Children's Hospitals Alliance
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